ABLE BC Employment Needs Survey

Dear ABLE BC members and industry colleagues,

ABLE BC has been working to find solutions for the current labour crisis facing our industry. In June, we began the application process for a Project Based Labour Market Training (PBLMT) grant to fund a training program for potential hospitality and liquor retail employees. 

With assistance from Western Community College (WCC) and Progressive Intercultural Community Services Society (PICS), we have designed a training program that covers topics and certificates such as: Hospitality Management, accounting basics, WSET, First Aid, Serving it Right, and more. 

If our PBLMT application is successful, the training program will be delivered by WCC with both in person and virtual options for participants. Participants will leave the program highly trained and ready to take on supervisor- or manager-level positions in both LP and LRS businesses. 

We are seeking further information from industry to strengthen our application.

Help us understand your labour needs by filling out this survey.

Your participation in this survey is essential in contextualizing the labour shortage our industry is currently dealing with. 

Take the Survey Now

Ann Brydle