ABLE BC's Executive Director, Jeff Guignard, named to Vancouver Magazine's 2022 Power 50 List

Dear ABLE BC members and industry colleagues,

We have some exciting news to share about ABLE BC's Executive Director, Jeff Guignard. Earlier today, Jeff was named on Vancouver Magazine's 2022 Power 50 List as one of the "change-makers and power players shaping our world in 2022."

"I am utterly humbled and honoured to be included on this list of accomplished and influential leaders,” said Guignard, who is number 35 on the list. “While it’s my name in the magazine, I know this is a shared recognition for the hard work, dedication, and passion of the team at ABLE BC and other association leaders who have been fighting for BC’s liquor and hospitality industries throughout this pandemic. I’m immensely proud of what we’ve accomplished together, and filled with gratitude for this acknowledgement of our shared successes.”

According to Jeff, this recognition would not have been possible without the collaborative work of ABLE BC's Board of Directors, staff, and industry partners such as those on the Business Technical Advisory Panel (BTAP). Their steadfast support and commitment has been instrumental in achieving policy changes that directly benefit both ABLE BC's members and BC's liquor and hospitality industry at large.

Some recent policy successes include:

  • Permanent wholesale pricing for liquor primaries and food primaries

  • Extending the moratorium on new LRS licenses until 2032

  • Permanently allowing hospitality businesses to sell alcohol and cocktails with takeaway and delivery meals

  • Private retailers are permitted to sell to Special Event Permit holders.

  • Permanently extending liquor retail hours from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm

  • Securing over $200 million of direct financial support for hospitality businesses during the pandemic

  • Removing the 10:00 p.m. liquor service cut off for licensees in the Northern Health region.

Click here for a full list of achievements from ABLE BC and our industry partners.

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If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact ABLE BC:

Ann Brydle