Happy Holidays & ABLE BC Office Closure

Dear ABLE BC members and industry colleagues,

On behalf of our Board of Directors and staff, we wish you and your family a warm and festive holiday season and Happy New Year.

We made it through another year! We know the last year has been incredibly challenging, and many of us are still not able to celebrate the holiday season the way we wish. We have a lot of work to do in 2022, and please know that ABLE BC will always be in your corner. We will continue fighting on your behalf, no matter what happens next.

Please be advised the ABLE BC office will be closed for the holiday season from Wednesday, December 22, 2021 to Tuesday, January 4, 2022, reopening on Wednesday, January 5.

We will resume our weekly liquor industry updates the week of January 10. If anything urgent arises before January 10, we will send out an email update.

We will also be checking phone messages and email intermittently during this time. As you know, our Director of Membership & Communications Danielle Leroux will be leaving ABLE BC at the end of December. If you have an urgent matter, please email our Executive Director Jeff Guignard: jeff@ablebc.ca.

We look forward to speaking with you in the new year!

Ann Brydle