SPARK: BC Hotel & Liquor Conference: Session Spotlight

Dear ABLE BC members and industry colleagues,

We are continuing to roll out programming for SPARK: BC Hotel & Liquor Conference and are excited to share further details on two of the sessions planned for November 15.

ABLE BC Session Spotlight:

Liquor Liability: Mosh Pits – Fights – and Over Service – What can go wrong?

Tom Newnham, partner at Dolden Wallace Folick LLP is an experienced lawyer who has appeared at all levels of court in BC and specializes in liquor liability, among his diverse practice. During this session, Tom will review recent cases from across Canada that serve to inform on how best to manage your premises. Believe it or not – Tom has some good news to share on the risk front.

BCHA Session Spotlight:

Stepping up Psychological Health and Safety at Work

The awareness and overall importance of mental health has become an increasingly important societal concern. And, as we all know, mental health does not stop when you get to or depart from work. The BCHA invites you to join go2HR and Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) for an informative and lively discussion about concrete steps employers can take to identify mental health risks, and foster mental wellness at your place of work. go2HR will walk attendees through what they have learned as they mark the one-year anniversary of their association with CMHA-BC Division. This mental health initiative is an output of the ongoing partnership with the CMHA-BC Division, the Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions, and go2HR.

Get your tickets here!

Key Details:


Liquor Liability: Mosh Pits, Fights, and Over Service – What can go wrong?

  • Date: November 15, 2022

  • Time: 11:15 AM - 12:00 pM


Stepping up Psychological Health and Safety at Work

  • Date: November 15, 2022

  • Time: 11:15 AM - 12:00 pM

PLUS: a member-exclusive joint industry lunch session at Dockside Restaurant with special guests AND a post-conference reception at Performance Works with drinks, snacks, and networking opportunities.

Register for SPARK Today!

SPARK | BC Hotel & Liquor Conference

Industry Sessions Tickets - $149

SPARK | BC Hotel & Liquor Conference

Members-Only Dockside Lunch Session Tickets - $50

Travelling from out of town? Book your stay today!

Book with Granville Island Hotel with a rate of $199.00 using code: 221113BCHO. Space is limited!

Book with Sheraton Wall Centre Vancouver using their exclusive social rate.

Thank you to our generous sponsors!

Ann Brydle