SPARK: BC Hotel & Liquor Conference: Session Spotlight

Dear ABLE BC members and industry colleagues,

We are continuing to roll out programming for SPARK: BC Hotel & Liquor Conference and are excited to share further details on two of the sessions planned for November 15 - just two weeks away!

There will be TWO congruent tracks developed for both the liquor and hospitality communities. You are encouraged to attend any session of your choosing! We invite all operators, managers, retailers, suppliers, agents, industry partners/vendors, and hospitality employees to attend this event that will SPARK ideas relating to growth, advocacy, labour, and more! 

SESSION SPOTLIGHT | 4:15 pm-5: pm: 

ABLE BC Session Spotlight:

Liquor Cannabis and Regulation Branch Update

BC's liquor industry has seen several updates and upsets in the past year. One of the most exciting updates is the welcoming of a new General Manager to the Liquor Cannabis and Regulation Branch, David Hume. Join David and ABLE's Executive Director Jeff Guignard for a discussion on the latest insights into BC's liquor industry. This is your chance to speak directly with industry's regulator. Learn firsthand about the LCRB, priorities for the coming year, and what to expect for your business. 

BCHA Session Spotlight:

Going Green with a Growing Market, sponsored by FortisBC

According to a Sustainable Travel Report released by, 87% of global travellers say that they want to travel sustainably. How can BC's hospitality industry tap into this growing market? And aside from rising occupancy rates, what are the added benefits of doing so? What does sustainable destination development mean and how can we contribute to it? Join Angela Nagy, President & CEO, GreenStep Solutions; Gwendal Castellan, Destination Vancouver Team Member Manager, Sustainable Destination Development; and Mike Macleod, Director, Member & Business Development, BCHA, for a conversation outlining the opportunities (and cost-savings!) that lay ahead for BC's hospitality operators as we set our sight on sustainable destination development.

Get your tickets here!

Key Details:


Liquor Cannabis and Regulation Branch Update

  • Date: November 15, 2022

  • Time: 4:15 PM - 5:00 PM

  • Speakers: David Hume, LCRB General Manager. Jeff Guignard, ABLE BC.


Exploring Your Insurance Options

  • Date: November 15, 2022

  • Time: 4:15 PM - 5:00 PM

  • Speakers: Angela Nagy, President & CEO, GreenStep Solutions and EcoBase. Mike Macleod, Director, Member & Business Development, BCHA. Gwendal Castellan, Destination Vancouver Team Member Manager, Sustainable Destination Development


  • A member-exclusive joint industry lunch session at Dockside Restaurant with special guests.

  • A post-conference reception at Performance Works with drinks, snacks, and networking opportunities.

Register for SPARK Today!

SPARK | BC Hotel & Liquor Conference

Industry Sessions Ticket

This ticket unlocks access to ALL industry sessions in both hotel & liquor conference tracks, and includes admittance into the industry networking session, taking place at Performance Works from 5 pm-6:30 pm.


SPARK | BC Hotel & Liquor Conference Members-Only Dockside Lunch Session Tickets


Travelling from out of town? Book your stay today!

Book with Granville Island Hotel with a rate of $199.00 using code: 221113BCHO. Space is limited!

Book with Sheraton Wall Centre Vancouver using their exclusive social rate.

Thank you to our generous sponsors!

Ann Brydle