Take ABLE BC's LRS Benchmark Survey Now!

Dear ABLE BC members and industry colleagues,

Since 2018, ABLE BC in partnership with Paul Rickett of VARKeting! has conducted an annual LRS Benchmark Survey.

As BC’s private liquor industry association, ABLE BC works to collect data for our membership and create an economic snapshot of our industry. We survey our private liquor store members on an annual basis to help develop KPIs or benchmarks for your business.

 This year, we have re-vamped our LRS Benchmark Survey. The LRS survey now comes in two versions: for independent stores and chains.

We are also working on two new surveys for our LP members: for independent establishments and chain or group establishments.

To ensure we can offer you valuable insights, we kindly ask that if you own or operate an LRS or LP, you complete the appropriate survey here.

Deadline to complete the surveys: Friday, March 24, 2023.

Aggregate data results will be shared with members and in the Quarterly PourIndividual results and any business information shared will be kept confidential.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact us at ann@ablebc.ca.

Ann Brydle